Each Connect With Kids story is approximately 2 to 8 minutes in length and focuses on one young person’s story and provides the perspectives of teachers, experts, parents, and other children on the topic. Downloadable lesson plans, pre-viewing, and discussion guides, and reflection pages support classroom implementation, professional development, and other groups to explore the topics in meaningful, developmentally appropriate ways.
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Berhane: Resilience and Immigration
Video and Print Support
Dwayne: Personal Strengths and Resilience
Video and Print Support
Guadalupe: Resilience and Immigration
Video and Print Support
Heather: Positivity and Perseverance
Video and Print Support
From the Archives
These stories from the archives contain important themes that remain relevant today.
Videos within this archive may contain statistics and/or images that are somewhat out of date. However, the themes and stories of each Connect with Kids reality-based program remain valuable and timely and are used in classrooms across America. After students watch each video, we suggest using the accompanying lesson plan with discussion questions and classroom activities to engage in dialogue and explore each topic at a deeper level.